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Contact Us At Rio Lagartos Adventures

Estamos encantados de responder a sus preguntas en español, inglés o francés.

We are happy to answer your questions in Spanish ,English or French

Nous sommes heureux de répondre à vos questions en espagnol, anglais ou français

Sitio Web en Espanol

Flamingos during the spring Mating season in Rio Lagartos Yucatan
The flamingo mating ritual during the mating season in late April.

What tour(s) you would like? How many in Your group?(There is a 2.50 usd park entrance fee/person)

What date and time?(all the tours are by reservation and starting times are listed when booking)

Early tours are best for Flamingos ,Nature tours and Birding(before 8am)

Birding ,fishing ,and photography tours are booked through the contact page and we will send an invoice payable

with a credit card via Paypal.

Your choice of Nature tours can be booked with our Booking button

How many are in your group?

Would you like an interpretive nature guide in English or French?

​We do not combine groups in advance but only after they meet here in Rio Lagartos

(There is a 2.50 usd /person park entrance fee)

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