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Diego Nuñez owner of Rio Lagartos Adventures

Rio Lagartos Adventures since 1995 and Ria Maya restaurant (Formerly Isla Contoy since 1988)

is a native family owned and operated business

Rio Lagartos Adventures and Ria Maya Restaurant

​Diego Nuñez is an experienced and trained bird guide, naturalist and avid fly fisherman who pioneered eco-tourism in Rio Lagartos more than 25 years ago when he established his family business (since 1995).

He now works with his sons Diego and Jorge and his daughter Andrea who are who are very experienced doing the Nature and Flamingo Lovers Tours and are qualified for the boat birding tours. Diego trains all his guides and they experienced and licensed. Diego jr and Jorge are experienced fly fishing guides
Diego’s wife Matildé runs the restaurant “Ria Maya Restaurante” and Ria Maya Lodge with help from Andrea and Diego and Jorge

Diego has attended many classes and workshops on nature, birds, and preservation of the Bio-reserve and Petenes(freshwater springs) including the RARE Nature Guide Training Course Yucatan Peninsula .

He studied with Barbara McKinnon in the first group of birding guides she helped train(1996) and he has continually helped to add to the bird counts that she keeps and publishes for Rio Lagartos and the Yucatan Peninsula.(see bird Lists in the Navigation bar). He has personally added 9 new birds to the list.The count now is 395 for Rio Lagartos and 555 for the Yucatan.

He is a qualified nature and birding instructor who has trained many of the guides in Rio Lagartos and has given classes to many groups of children and adults to help further their appreciation and understanding of the natural world around them. He has worked extensively with Pronatura, Ninos and Crias, and other environment and Government Groups such as Conanp.

Diego has assisted visiting scientists and biologists with their research efforts and has been involved with bird monitoring, flamingo banding, crocodile tagging, maintaining water flow in the area’s freshwater springs,

Diego Nuñez Birding and flyfishing guide at Rio Lagartos Adventures in Rio Lagartos Yucatan

Matilde Marfil Daughter of a family of local fishermen, she started in gastronomy since she was little with her father, Mr. Roman Marfil, a fisherman by trade who has cooked all his life. He worked in the kitchen with the maritime dredging workers of the Yucatan coast and with a lot of experience in the seasoning of fish and seafood, he taught and inherited his daughter Matilde’s taste for Yucatecan cuisine on the coast. She began working with Diego’s mother at the “Isla Contoy” Restaurant. since 1988 and acquired much more knowledge alongside her mother-in-law with whom she worked for more than 18 years, currently she is the head of the kitchen at the Ria Maya Restaurant.

Diego Nuñez jr Fishing and birding guide with Rio Lagartos Adventures
Diego Nuñez jr.

Diego Nuñez experimentado guia en observation de aves , apasionado con la Naturaleza, avido en la pesca deportiva de caña y carrete y pesca con Mosca , El primer guia Ecologico de la region que inicio en 1995 cuando se iniciaba la industria del Ecoturismo, iniciando asi su negocio familiar.

Ahora ambos trabajan con sus hijos Diego y Jorge y su hija Andrea, quienes tienen mucha experiencia en los Tours y son amantes de la naturaleza y los flamencos y están certificados y calificados para los tours que ofrecen.

Él es un instructor calificado de naturaleza y observación de aves que ha capacitado a muchos de los guías en Río Lagartos y ha dado clases a muchos grupos de niños y adultos para ayudarlos a apreciar y comprender el mundo natural que los rodea.

Ha trabajado extensamente con Pronatura, Ninos y Crias, y otros grupos ambientales y gubernamentales como Conanp.
Actualmente continua entrenando guias que se acreditan con cursos y muchas capacitaciones y los mejores ahora son sus propios hijos que desde muy pequeños lo Han acompañado en sus jornadas durante muchos de sus tours en sus inicios !

​Diego ha participado en mucho certámenes , festivales y congresos de conservation de la Naturaleza y asistido canales de documentales tales Como discovery channel, National geographic , Mexico desconocido.

​Con el pasar de los Años con su experiencia sobre la vida Silvestre y Lugares es considerado el mas recomendable en el area de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Ria lagartos y sus alrededores !

Junto con sus hijos tienen la capacidad de saber cuando , Como y Donde sobre temporadas para tener de las mejores experiencias con la vida Silvestre para su observation y/o fotografía !

Son la unica empresa que ofrece una gran variedad de diferentes tours enfocados en lo que el visitante le gustaria disfrutar durante su visita y siempre con el respeto a la Naturaleza !
Diego ha ayudado a científicos y biólogos visitantes con sus esfuerzos de investigación y ha estado involucrado en el monitoreo de aves, anillamiento de flamencos, marcado de cocodrilos, mantenimiento del flujo de agua en los manantiales de agua dulce del área, reforestación y trabajo de rescate de animales.

Estudió con Barbara McKinnon en el primer grupo de guías de observación de aves que ella ayudó a entrenar (1996) y continuamente ha ayudado a aumentar los conteos de aves que ella mantiene y publica para Río Lagartos y la Península de Yucatán . Él personalmente ha agregado mas de 9 nuevas especies de aves a la lista de la Reserva de Ria lagartos , el conteo actual es 395 para Río Lagartos y 555 para Yucatán.

El curso taller que lo impulso y motivo para que sea uno de los primeros y mejores guias fue el de RARE Nature Guide Training Course Yucatan Peninsula .

A large group of Flamingos in the Bio Reserve in Rio Lagartos Yucatan
Diego Nuñez and his family at Rio Lagartos Adventures in Rio Lagartos Yucatan
Diego Nuñez his family wife Matilda,Daughter Andrea ands sons Jorge and Diego jr.

His team are his sons Diego and Jorge and daughter Andrea and Carlos , Angel, Saul , Victor, & Adrian. All who are qualified for the boat birding tours and in training for land birding.

Diego and his guides understand the rhythm of life here.(Tides, seasons, time of day, Migratory patterns) and how they affect wildlife

Andrea Nuñez,The only woman birding and fishing guide in Rio Lagartos Yucatan
Andrea Nuñez on a boat birding tour for Rio Lagartos Adventures
Diego Nuñez with his Team at Rio Lagartos Adventures in Rio Lagartos Yucatan
The Crew at Rio Lagartos Adventures Rio Lagartos Yucatan
Diego with a group of Rio Lagartos grade school students in a bird identification class
Diego with a group of Rio Lagartos grade school students in a bird identification class
Diego jr.,Diego and Jorge Nuñez
Andrea Nuñez: The only woman Bird Guide in Rio Lagartos
Andrea Nuñez: The only woman Bird Guide in Rio Lagartos

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